Papers with which I am assuming you are familiar.
- McKusick: A Fast File System for UNIX (pdf)
- Ousterhout: A Trace-Driven Analysis of the UNIX 4.2BSD File System (pdf)
- Ritchie: The UNIX Time-Sharing System (pdf)
The following papers are a collection of bits of wisdom on systems design, doing research, writing papers, and giving presentations. Some are papers you may have discussed in other classes; if you haven't read these, put them on the stack of, "Things I really should read some time." Most are quite light and won't take long.The papers are listed alphabetically by first author and title.
- Abshire: Techniques and Suggestions for Presenters (pdf)
- Bentley: The Back of the Envelope (pdf)
- Bentley: The Envelope is Back (pdf)
- Brooks: No Silver Bullet -- Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering (html)
- Day: How to Write a Scientific Paper (pdf)
- Ferrari: Considerations on the Insularity of Performance Evaluation (pdf)
- Hoare: The Emperor's Old Clothes (pdf)
- Lauer: Observations on the Development of an Operating System (pdf)
- Levin: An Evaluation of the Ninth SOSP Submissions (pdf)
- Roscoe: Writing reviews for systems conferences (pdf)
- Saltzer: The Instrumentation of MULTICS (pdf)
- Saltzer: End-To-End Arguments in System Design (pdf)
- Shoch: The "Worm" Programs - Early Experience with Distributed Computation (pdf)
- Small: Does Systems Research Measure Up? (pdf)
- Smith: The Task of the Referee (pdf)