I write a lot of letters – please contact me at least a month in advance for letter requests.

If you have A) conducted research with me, B) worked for me in a staff or Coop position, or C) been a TA for me, skip to Part 2.

Part 1: You would like a letter from me

You want your letters to be as strong as possible, and I want to write letters that will have the most impact. To that end, please send me an email with the following information:

  • The class(es) you took from me and which term.
  • The grade(s) you earned.
  • The purpose of the letter (e.g., grad school, job recommendation, fellowship, etc).
  • If the letter is for something like grad school, please tell me approximately how many places you are applying.
  • Why am I one of the ~3 best people to write you a letter.

Once you send that email, I will reply within a day or two. If I agree to write a letter, then proceed to Part 2.

Part 2: I've Agreed to Write you a Letter

Once I've agreed to write you a letter, please send me whichever of the items below applies. (If you didn't have to go through the previous phase, please let me know what you're applying for!)

  • If there is more than a single letter needed, create a shared google spreadsheet (shared with <myfirstnamemylastname>@gmail.com). The spreadsheet should include the following for each letter you need:
    • Organization to where it goes
    • Due date
    • Submission mechanism (e.g., 'please send to this address,' 'they will send you a link', 'so and so will reach out').
  • Your resume or CV.
  • Your transcript.
  • If you are applying for graduate school or something else for which you have to write a statement, send that.
  • Anything else relevant.