Mechanics for handing in assignments

We use git repositories for submitting work in this course. Each person in the course will have at least one repository in the CPSC508-2022W-T1 organization in the enterprise and possibly two.

Your personal repository, which you will use to submit assignments and quizzes, will be named:[CWL] where [CWL] will be your CWL.

Assuming that you work with a partner on the final project (which is strongly encouraged), you will also have a project repository named[PNAME] where [PNAME] will be the names of team-members concatenated together. If two students, Am Mighty and Quite Fine, are working together, their repository will be named project_Mighty_Fine. Should you work on your project alone (which is highly discouraged), you can commit project deliverables in your personal repository.

For each assignment and quiz, we'll tell you what to name the files in your repository so that our scripts can gather everything we need for grading. For project, please create a directory called PROJECT. Then name each deliverable "_reponame. where deliverable is one of proposal, draft, final and reponame is either your cwl (if working alone) or the concatenated name (if working in a team) described above.

We will grade the documents in your repository and push grading files and/or marked up documents back to you, in the same repository.