CPSC 508 Winter 3 2019: Quiz #2
45 points
This exam is closed notes, closed papers, closed interwebs, closed everything.
Please use whatever word processing software that you'd like
to write your answers, but please send me an attachment with
either plain text
(≤ 80 characters per line)
or PDF. I will be grading the quiz blind (that is, I don't want to know
whose quiz I am grading), so please do not put your name anywhere in your
exam. Instead, name the attachment lastname.{txt,pdf}.
Please email your quiz to: mseltzer@cs.ubc.ca.
Here are the systems (in order) that we've discussed in this segment of the course:
- Nemesis
- Exo
- MirageOS
- Singularity
- OSv
- EbbRT
- The Synthesis Kernel
- Scout
- Hyperkernel
- CertiKOS
- Flux OS kit
- Arrakis
- IX
Just One Question
Imagine that you were going to build a new operating system from a blank
sheet of paper (or screen). What ideas might we want to borrow from other
For each system listed above, identify one thing that you think we
should adopt from that system.
If there is nothing you like about the system, give an example
of one thing you think is just a terrible idea and should be
avoided at all costs.
Paper Survey
After you complete the quiz, please complete
this form .