CS261 Fall 2016: Quiz #1
45 points: 15 per question
This exam is closed notes, closed papers, closed interwebs, closed everything.
Please use whatever word processing software that you'd like
to write your answers, but please send me either plain text
(≤ 80 characters per line)
or PDF. I will be grading the quiz blind (that is, I don't want to know
whose quiz I am grading), so please do not put your name anywhere in your
exam. Instead, name your exam lastname.{txt,pdf}.
Please email your quiz to: margo@eecs.harvard.edu.
Here are the papers we've read:
- Baumann: The Multikernel: A New OS Architecture for Scalable Multicore Systems
- Bensoussan: The Multics Virtual Memory:Concepts and Design
- Bugnion: Disco: running commodity operating systems on scalable multiprocessors
- Corbató: An Experimental Time-Sharing System
- Daley: Virtual Memory, Processes, and Sharing in MULTICS
- Dijkstra: The Structure of the "THE" Multiprogramming System
- Gamsa: Tornado: Maximizing Locality and Concurrency in a Shared Memory Multiprocessor
Operating System
- Hibler: Microkernels Meet Recursive Virtual Machines
- Kilburn: One Level Storage System
- Leidtke: On micro-kernel Construction
- Meyer: A virtual machine time-sharing system
- Rashid: From RIG to Accent to Mach: The Evolution of a Network Operating System
- Yehuda: The Turtles Project: Design and Implementation of Nested Virtualization
- Historical Context
Please divide the thirteen papers that we've read into three categories:
the 1) 1960's and 70's, 2) the 1980's and 90's, 3) 2000 and more recent.
After you've categorized the papers, assign each category a title that you think
summarizes the set of papers.
- To Microkernel or not to Microkernel
Please indicate whether Jochen Leidtke would consider each of the following
systems a microkernel. Give 1-2 sentences for each justifying your answer.
- Barrelfish
- Fluke
- Multics
- Tornado
- Virtual Machines
We have read about three rather different virtual machine systems: CP-67/CMS, Disco,
and KVM. For each one, identify the main research contribution from the system/project.
Then compare the three systems in terms of their contributions and impact (1-3 sentences
per each pairwise comparison should be sufficient).
Paper Survey
After you complete the quiz, please complete
this form .