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Here are the papers we've read:
Next, take that chronology and insert logical eras, providing a brief (one line) description of the eras. For example:
Stoneage (people chiseled programs on stone): 1(Baumann), 2(Bugnion), 3(Corbato) Bronze age (people wrote programs on pennies): 4(Creasy), 5(Daley), 6(Dijkstra) Pre-industrial revolution (computers built computers in castles): 7(Gamsa), 8(Kilburn), 9(Kivity) Modern day (people worshiped computers): 10(Leidtke), 11(Rashid), 12(Waldspurger)If you can give rough time frames for each era, do so.
Although they share an intellectual heritage and both identify memory redundancy as a problem in virtual machine based environments, Disco and VMware ESX take rather different approaches to addressing it. Explain the different approaches the two systems take, citing any similarities, and then offer a justification for why they have each have arrived at their given approach.
Machine description: