NrOS: Effective Replication and Sharing in an Operating System

Bhardwaj, Klukarni, Achermann, Calciu, Kashyap, Stutsman, Tai, Zellweger (2021)

What kind of paper is this?

The Story


Node Replication (NR)

  1. Operation log: Circular buffer into which nodes write mutations to shared data.
  2. Flat combining: One combiner thread applies many mutations.
  3. Optimized readers-writer lock (write-preference).

Concurrency NR -- elegant in its simplicity

NrOS design

Physical Memory Management

Virtual Memory Management

File System

Process Management and Scaling

Log Garbage Collection

Implementation detais


  1. How does NrOS design compare against monolithic and multikernel OS?
  2. What is the latency, memory and replication mechanism trade-offs in Nr-OS design?
  3. Does NrOS matter for applications?: I guess Memcached and LevelDB were the two applications: